Receiving the gifts of life vs fighting them~

Oct 19, 2020

Have you ever heard a story of someone that couldn’t get pregnant, they tried everything humanly possible to become pregnant and finally surrendered and adopted. We all know the next line, boom they became pregnant. It’s almost as if when the internal fighting stops everything falls into place.

Is there something you have no control over you are still fighting? As you go about your day today and the little battles come up question, like the woman trying to become pregnant is this battle putting more stress on my body or less? How can I surrender to this situation for perfect harmony and peace? Where do I have power and where do I not? What can I control? What is the divine trying to tell me? And what gift am I missing out on because I’m so busy trying to fight what I can’t control?

May this day be blessed with victorious surrenders and unexpected gifts❤️💞💓🎉🎉🎉🔥💥

