North Node Lunar Eclipse inTaurus

2 min readApr 30, 2022

Shortly we will experience a partial North Node lunar eclipse moving through the sign of Taurus at 10º. While Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the emotionally empathic sign of Pieces at 27º. This is a quick transition as our moon moves so quickly, it will be over around 6:30 pm CST.

The point: There is an increased pull of desire to move towards what one truly hungers for emotionally and at the CORE of who wy are. It is a great time to play, in the rain, mud, garden, take time to just set and feel. Dance with a loved one, laugh. Feel your truth, fertilize the seeds of what one truly wants to move towards.


The core character of who we are, the Sun, is aligning with the Moon, our emotions in what brings joy to our soul.

This partial eclipse is moving through the sign of Taurus. Taurus is nothing more than a male cow ruled by the planet Venus. Taurus being an earth sign of practicality knows how to WISELY use resources Taurus prefers living through the senses, sensual, love of natural beauty, grounding, being receptive, going with in. You know the type, when you are with them you just feel okay, grounded, centered, loved, basking in the beauty of their presence.

Venus and Jupiter are in the sign of Pisces joined together at 27º. Venus rules the sign Taurus, but is an exalted guest in the sign of Pisces, working with the greatest strength here. 27º is where Venus is exalted at the highest in Pisces. Venus is all about harmony, romance, relationships, beauty, attraction. Add the element of Pisces, you now have empathy, compassion, healing, emotions.

So we have Venus the planet that shows us how we express affection, give of ourselves, and how we feel appreciated, and most of all a lover of harmony. Conjunct the giant magnetic planet of Jupiter the planet of expansion in how we grow, improve ourselves, and experience trust.

The North Node symbolizing moving towards those things we feel compeled towards. The ones that pulls our heart strings, but sometimes we are a little afraid to move towards.

The bottom line take time to play, live, enjoy all the love and beauty around you, and plant the seeds of your core truth and souls desires.

As alway, we all have free will. This can also be a time of holding on, not letting go, attracting too much of something constricting one from being able to move.

Whatever seeds you choose to plant today, will defiantly bloom into your future. The choice is yours.

An illustration of the Jupiter-Venus conjunction looking east in Huntsville, Alabama, at 6:00 a.m. on the morning of April 30, 2022. Credit: NASA/Marshall

