Guns have not changed, so who is really to blame?

2 min readMay 26, 2022

So what has changed?

When I grew up it was not uncommon to see a gun rack in the back of a pickup truck. BB guns were common and NO ONE thought anything of it. I wasn’t scared, I didn’t want to grab one and shoot anyone, it just was.

Then I met my love who was a hunter and he wanted to educated our kids about proper gun use and safety. I didn’t know what this meant, nor how I felt about it, but he had good sound logic as to why it was important, especially if they were going to be around them. Kind of like you don’t just hand your keys over to the car and expect them to go out and be responsible. You have to teach them the rule of the road.

Today all of my children understand the proper workings of guns, the three never’s, and responsibility associated with handling. So much so that we can be watching a tv show when one will shout out, “They are holding that wrong, or their finger is on the trigger……” They know there is no secret knowledge, or whatever, there is a respect.

So my question is what has changed? Guns have not changed. In an honest desire to heal the atrocity going on in our country is this “it’s the guns” fault really just putting a bandaid on a deeper problem? As so many of our young have not had the wisdom passed on how can they see the truth in the bigger picture, in not blaming the gun, they cannot know what they have not been educated on. So as the elders that are supposed to be the ones that pass on the wisdom is there something we as a society are not willing to look at that we have failed at and it’s just easier to blame the guns?

