Amanda’s Ah ha moments

2 min readMar 30, 2021

Amanda’s ah ha moment!

My spiritual adviser used to say to me, “get out of your head and into your heart.” “Put on your big girl panties and I don’t mean the Victoria Secrets ones.” “BITE YOUR TONGUE UNTIL BLOOD RUNS DOWN THE SIDE OF YOUR MOUTH.”

At the time I understood,

“Bite your tongue until blood runs down the side of your mouth” that saying saved me from looking like a donkeys behind more than once.

“Put your big girl panties on and I don’t mean the Victoria Secrets ones” <- GROW UP!

Get out of your head and into your heart. <- Be nice.

Today I have really broadened those meanings and have so much gratitude for her having the foresight to say them to me with so much zeal.

“Bite your tongue until blood runs down the side of your mouth” today means be present, really hear what is going on. Not everything is about me or is a personal attack. How can I be there for someone else instead of my lower ego?

“Put your big girl panties on and I don’t mean the Victoria Secret one” means be accountable, take action and stop blaming everything and everyone, you’re not a victim. How old am I? Today I get to choose how my life is.

“Get out of your head and into your heart” means go to my center, the essence of who I am, my higher self. The one that will guide me to the right actions, places, and people, walking in grace and having boundaries not only for myself but for others. My head will protect me from anything and everything, creating isolation and loneliness, my heart will teach me how to live in a bubble of love and safety. Thank you @sgabriel for the photo




